Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education: Title IX Prohibits Retaliation for Opposing Sex Discrimination in Education
Tim Coffield, Attorney, on the Supreme Court case of Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education.

Connick v. Myers: Balancing Test for First Amendment Speech by Public Employees
Tim Coffield, attorney, covers the Supreme Court case of Connick v. Myers and its implications for First Amendment speech by public employees.

Garcetti v. Ceballos: Private Citizen Speech, Public Employment, and the First Amendment
Charlottesville attorney Tim Coffield on the case of Garcetti v. Ceballos and the First Amendment.

Steiner v. Mitchell: Integral and Indispensable Equals Compensable
Charlottesville attorney Tim Coffield discusses compensable regulations in Steiner v. Mitchell.

Bostock v. Clayton County: Title VII Protections for LGBTQ Employees
Charlottesville attorney Tim Coffield explores the case of Bostock v. Clayton County, a landmark case for LGBTQ employee rights.

Tyson Foods v. Bouaphakeo: Representative Proof in Wage Classes
Charlottesville attorney Tim Coffield discusses this case as it relates to representative proof in wage classes.

Babb v. Wilkie: Causation in Federal Sector Age Discrimination
Charlottesville attorney Tim Coffield explores age discrimination in Babb v. Wilkie.

Comcast v. NAAAM: Law of Causation in 1981 Claims
Tim Coffield, a Charlottesville-based attorney, on the case of Comcast v. NAAAM.

Genesis Healthcare v. Symczyk: Rule 68 and Collective Actions
Tim Coffield, an attorney based in Charlottesville, VA, on the case of Genesis Healthcare v. Symczyk.

Falk v. Brennan: Law of Employment and Control
Tim Coffield, a Charlottesville-based attorney, covers the SCOTUS case of Falk v. Brennan and its impact on the interpretation of the law of employment and control.